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Financial Vulnerability Assessment

Whilst a Financial Vulnerability Assessment is not a Mental Capacity Assessment, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.  It isn’t uncommon for a person to have the mental capacity to make financial decisions but remain vulnerable to financial abuse, fraud, identity theft and scams.  Our Financial Vulnerability Assessments review significant financial decisions made by older adults to help identify and protect those who are vulnerable to undue influence, financial mismanagement and fraud. We are qualified to undertake Financial Vulnerability Assessments and can offer the following services:

A financial decision tracker is an interview which examines a specific financial decision made by an older adult to assess their financial judgment. A Financial Vulnerability Assessment is an in-depth interview to determine the factors involved in an older adult's financial decisions. This includes an assessment of cognitive impairment, situational awareness and undue influence and their impact on financial decision making. A family & friends interview is a series of questions asked of a trusted relative or friend of an older adult to better understand their recent financial decision. The interview provides a complementary perspective on the decision and is best used in combination with the Financial Decision Tracker or the Financial Vulnerability Assessment. If you would like to discuss any of these tools, or would like to instruct us to complete a Financial Vulnerability Assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.