Best Interests Assessor Update Training

Created: 6/20/2017

Did you know we provide update training for Best Interests Assessors and S.12 Doctors? It is a legal requirement for all qualified BIAs to undergo regular training that is relevant to the role.  We can provide group sessions for Local Authorities or individual places at one of our open courses that take place across Bournemouth, Dorset, Poole and London. We're also happy to consider other locations across England and Wales to provide this training.

Our BIA update courses are 6 hours of CPD and have a heavy emphasis on mental capacity assessments for which we make no apology.  This sets us apart from many BIA update courses which only last for 3 hours and focus primarily on legal updates which we also include in our courses.

If you would like to find our more, please visit our training page or Contact us for more details.