Free Training and Webinars for Care Home Managers and Staff Coming Soon...
Created: 12/11/2020
Let's face it, 2020 hasn't been great by anyone's standards. In fact it's been pretty horrendous for most, none less than care home residents and their families. Like many, I've had personal experience and during the course of my work, spoken with countless families who have experienced the loss and tragedy that we have seen. However, despite the difficulties that 2020 has brought, I've also witnessed some of the most selfless acts during my visits and discussions with care home staff. Managers, care staff, nurses, cooks, volunteers, domestic staff and cleaning staff have all sacrificed so much (including time with their own families and their health) to ensure the continued care of care home residents.
THANK YOU! to each and every one of you for all you have done, and continue to do, to help ease the suffering experienced by so many. It hasn't made it easy, just easier than it might have been without your sacrifices.
I would like to give something back those who have given so much this year. I'll be honest, being a Social Worker and Expert Witness, my options are somewhat limited in terms of what I can give. Nonetheless, what I can give is given with my sincere gratitude. Starting in January, I would like to offer care home managers and staff free live training and webinars. Having provided a training service since 2012, I have seen first hand the difference that high quality training can make in health and social care. I also understand that training your staff can be costly, especially when accessing good quality training.
I will be dedicating my new facebook page to the training and webinars so if you would like to take advantage of the free training and webinars, please like the page to receive updates as to when the next training is. The first session will be at the end of January 2021 and will be exploring mental capacity and best interests decisions. The sessions will be available over Zoom and depending upon the size of each group, it will either be an interactive meeting with a presentation, small group discussions and opportunities to ask questions or a webinar for larger groups. Each session will be between 1.5-2 hours long and I'm happy to take suggestions for future sessions. just comment on my facebook page if you have a suggestion.
Once again, thank you for all you continue to do and I look forwards to seeing you in January.
Search: @garycrispconsultants on facebook