Mental Capacity Assessments and Reports
Created: 2/14/2022
What mental capacity assessments and reports do we offer?
Neil and Gary are very experienced in all things mental capacity; both have been completing mental capacity assessments for over ten years. Mental capacity assessments are undertaken by health and social care professionals on a daily basis, most are relatively straight forward and form part of the care planning process. Can the person make decisions in relation to where they live, who cares for them, who they have contact with and whether they can manage their financial matters are all very common decisions assessed by health and social care professionals. However, there are some occasions where decisions are complex, less frequently made or contentious in nature. Other times, it is useful for an independent determination of mental capacity if health and social care professionals are involved in the person's day to day care management. Sometimes local authority and NHS health and social care professionals are not involved in the person's care. In all theses instances we can be instructed to complete mental capacity determinations and, if required, make best interests decisions. Neil and Gary are both qualified Best Interests Assessors. Best Interests Assessors have received additional training in mental capacity assessment and the wider provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. We can be instructed to make any mental capacity decisions including:
- COP3 Form
- Care
- Residence
- Marriage
- Sex
- Social Media and Internet Use
- Litigation
- Making a Will
- Statutory Will
- Executor
- Making a Gift
- Creating a Lasting Power of Attorney
- Creating an Advanced Decision to Refuse Medical Treatment
- Property and Financial Affairs
- Personal Welfare
This is not an exhaustive list and we can be instructed to assess a person's mental capacity for almost any decision.
COP3 Forms
One of the most frequent requests we receive at Simply Social Work is to complete Part B of a COP3 Form. COP3 forms are used to demonstrate to the Court of Protection that a person lacks the mental capacity to make a specific decision. Often, solicitors who are applying to be appointed as a person's deputy (to manage their property and financial affairs) will ask us to complete a COP3 form as part of their application to the Court of Protection. We are happy to receive such requests from small and large law firms alike. We have been added to trusted professionals' lists for several law firms and we are always happy to be included in yours. If we can assist with your COP3 applications, please do not hesitate to contact us. We aim to file all COP3 Part B forms within a week of receiving your instruction.
Gary is a very experienced trainer and has been training health and social care staff, sibling support groups, lawyers and care providers since 2012. As a consultant Social Worker, Gary has first-hand knowledge of the pressures and issues that are faced by health and social care professionals. As a qualified expert witness, Gary has a good knowledge of legal processes and the requirements of lawyers and the Court of Protection. Consequently, he is well placed to provide mental capacity and best interests training to your staff, clients or service user and advocacy groups. Please do not hesitate to contact us,, if we can assist with anything mental capacity related.