Has your G.P. Refused to complete a COP3 Form?

Created: 7/19/2024

Why do you need a COP3 Form?

When you make a deputyship application or other application to the Court of Protection, one of the forms required is a COP3 form.  A COp3 form is an assessment of a person's mental capacity to make decisions about either their property and financial affairs or their health and welfare.  The Court of Protection is a specialist court that deals with matters relating to people's mental capacity to make decisions and best interests decisions for those who lack mental capacity to make specific decisions. Decision making is a crucial aspect of daily life, encompassing everything from routine choices to significant, life-altering ones. It involves assessing available options, considering potential outcomes, and ultimately selecting a course of action. Effective decision making requires a balance of rational analysis and intuitive judgment. Rational decision making involves carefully weighing pros and cons, evaluating risks, and relying on logic to arrive at the best possible option. On the other hand, intuitive decision making draws on instinct, gut feelings, and past experiences to guide choices. Both approaches play a role in different contexts, and the ability to blend them can lead to well-rounded decision making. Factors influencing decision making include personal values, beliefs, emotions, and external influences. Additionally, time constraints and the availability of information can impact the decision-making process. Understanding these factors can aid in making more informed and effective decisions.

Who can complete a COP3 Form?

A COP3 form can be completed by an appropriately qualified health or social care professional.  This may be your G.P., a Social Worker who works for the local council or a private Social Worker.  It is important that a suitably qualified person completes it.  Otherwise you run the risk of the application being declined by the Court of Protection and delayed whilst you have a further COP3 assessment completed.

How much does a COP3 cost?

If you are fortunate enough to persuade a Social Worker who works for the local council, there is unlikely to be any cost for the completion of a COP3 form.  If your G.P. undertakes the assessment, there will be a cost as there are with private Social Workers.  As private Social Workers, we receive no funding from Government or local councils to provide Social Work services, therefore we have to charge for our services.  At the time of writing (July 2024), our fees for a deputyship mental capacity assessment and completion of a COP3 form are £450 plus VAT.  If you require two COP3 forms, one for each application; property and financial affairs AND health and welfare, our fees are £700 plus VAT.  We never charge travel expenses, so our fees are the same wherever in England or Wales you are.  We also assess people in their own homes, so there are no travel expenses on your part either. If you would like to instruct us, or discuss a COP3 form with us, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0330 043 5423 or email: hello@simplysocialwork.co.uk.